Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Cream Cheese Mints

4 oz. block of cream cheese, softened

1 T. butter, softened

2 1/2 c. powdered sugar + more if needed

1/4 t. spearmint / peppermint extract, it tasted more like spearmint than peppermint.

1-2 drops food coloring, if desired, only used 1 drop for a pastel look

table sugar or powdered sugar, your choice

Combine cream cheese and powdered sugar, a little at a time. Add butter (it will make the mints creamier). Add mint extract. Divide into separate balls before adding food coloring, if using. This way you can make several different colors from the same dough. Add 1 drop food coloring. Knead by hand, or use a spoon, if desired, until smooth. Add extra drop of food coloring if desired. Knead in additional mint if needed. Roll a pinch of dough into a small ball (3/4-1") and roll in table sugar or powdered sugar. My dough was still sticky so I used powdered sugar. Allow to set before pressing a fork into it to slightly flatten, or press into a candy mold. Tip out of mold onto parchment paper and allow to firm up, at room temperature about 4 hours. Mints should be firm enough to squeeze without squishing. Store in an airtight container with parchment paper or wax paper between layers (to keep from sticking) for 1 month. Makes about 50 mints.

Great for teas, showers, receptions, etc...

Additional amounts for variations.
Use 1/2 t. dough for each mint. Roll between palms until round and smooth. Dust with powdered sugar if sticky. Dip tines of fork in small bowl of sugar and press down to indent. Do not go all the way through. Dry for 3 hours. Chill for 2 hours. If bottoms are still soft, flip over to dry. 

Other flavors may be used instead of mint if desired: almond, strawberry, orange, raspberry, wintergreen, butter extracts.

*Another recipe:
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/4 c. (4 T.) butter, softened
2 lbs (7 1/2 c.) powdered sugar
1-2 t. mint extract (or other flavors)
1/2 c. powdered sugar, for sprinkling
food coloring, gel food coloring is more vibrant

Same instructions as before. Use 1 T. to make balls. Dip fork in sugar and indent each mint. Allow to dry for 4 hours. Making them this size will make 60 mints, making smaller ones will double the number of mints. Chill until ready to serve. (layer with parchment paper in between to keep from sticking together) Be prepared for a messy kitchen..but it will be worth it!

Powdered sugar was everywhere!

But the results were great!

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