Friday, April 19, 2019

Adjustments for recipes

Cake mixes used to be 18 oz. but now most of them are 15 oz. Adding 2/3 c. yellow cake mix to any cake mix will add the missing 3 oz. back in your recipe. My grandmother used a lemon cake mix to make her apricot nectar cake, and I use a yellow cake mix for my chocolate chip pound cake. I had wondered why my cakes had not been coming out as well as they had in the past until I realized the cake mixes were a different size. (And you can bet they didn't lower the price when they did that!)

Chocolate chips used to come in 16 oz. bags, but now they are in 12 oz. ones. You will need 2 full c. of chips for recipes. Nestle has also changed the way their chips are made. They don't melt as they used to in recipes that call for the chocolate to be completely melted. I've started buying Walmart brand chocolate chips because they come in a 2 lb. bag and they melt in my recipes.

Soup cans used to be 11 oz but now they are 10 3/4 oz. This can make a big difference in how moist your casserole turns out. To make up the difference, add water to make the soup measure 11 oz, and proceed with the rest of the recipe.

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