Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Phyllo Dough Apple Turnovers

1/2 c. butter, melted, divided

3 medium apples, your choice--I used Honey Crisp, diced into 1/2" pieces

1/3 c. + 1 T. brown sugar, packed (I used dark)

1 1/4 t. cinnamon

1/4 t. nutmeg

1 t. ginger 

1/2 t. salt

1 T. fresh lemon juice

1 t. vanilla

1 T. cornstarch

1 T. cold water

6 sheets phyllo dough

powdered sugar, optional

vanilla ice cream, optional

Thaw phyllo as directed on package. Keep in refrigerator until ready to use. Melt 1 T. butter in medium saucepan over medium heat. Add apples and stir to coat. Add vanilla, lemon juice, brown sugar, *cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger* and salt. Stir occasionally and cook 6-7 minutes until apples begin to soften. Whisk together cornstarch and water. Pour over apples. Stir and cook another 2-3 minutes until apple mixture thickens.Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature before using. Melt remaining butter in a cowl. Take out a pastry brush, sharp knife or pizza cutter, and clean damp kitchen towel. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 375. Place one sheet of phyllo dough horizontally on a large cutting board or kitchen counter. Brush sheet evenly with melted butter. Keep the remaining dough covered with a damp, but not too wet, towel. Add another sheet and brush evenly with butter. Repeat one more time. Cut phyllo sheets in half, and half again. You should have 4 eual pieces. Place 1-2 T. apple filling in the bottom of one piece. Fold the bottom left corner over the filling to meet the right edge and form a triangle shape. Continue folding and keeping the triangle shape as you fold (Like folding a flag) Place the triangle seem side down on the baking sheet. Repeat until you have 8 turnovers. Brush each with melted butter. Bake at 375 for 18-21 minutes, until crispy and brown. Allow to cool slightly before sprinkling with powdered sugar or serving warm with ice cream. YUMMY!

*I used apple pie spice instead

1st pic: apples cooking; 2nd pic: damp tea towel on phyllo; 3rd pic: phyllo with melted butter; 4th pic: phyllo cut in half; 5th pic: filling the phyllo; 6th pic: brushed with butter and ready to bake; 7th pic: baked and ready to eat!; 8th pic: served with sea salt caramel ice cream.

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